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Liquidity Risk Management Implementations:

There are two levels of Liquidity Risk Management implementation solutions that we offer.

Community Bank Implementation:

This solution is well suited for community banks and credit unions (generally under $2 billion in assets).  We work with your finance or treasury department to create a best practices liquidity risk management and monitoring program by:

  1. Developing proper governance documents and policies
  2. Developing a Contingency Funding Plan
  3. Defining and document liquidity event scenarios
  4. Defining stress tests at varying levels of severity
  5. Documenting stress assumptions
  6. Developing Early Warning Indicators (EWIs)
  7. Developing a report set for management, committee members and the board
  8. Documenting all aspects of the liquidity risk management function

Advanced Implementation:

This is a custom solution to address specific deficiencies in the liquidity risk management function. We would work directly with your team to address:

  1. Compliance deficiencies
  2. Regulatory Orders
  3. Process deficiencies
  4. Reporting deficiencies
  5. Documentation deficiencies